This activity was one I didn't quite understand at first, but ended up having fun with it! In my Learning & Digital Media class we were all in the computer lab and pulled up a picture of ourselves. We saved our image into a folder (my image is shown below) and then duplicated it by holding down "option" and dragging the image right next to the original.
After duplicating it, we renamed the files to differ between the original pictures and the duplicates. We next changed the file from ".jpg" or ".txt". After changing it we opened the file and instead of it being a photo, it was a large amount of random text that I did not understand! We were then told to select a piece of text, copy it (command "c"), paste that text (command "v") in a random spot of the rest of the text, and then we saved it (command "s"). This way we were distorting the picture, at this moment I was still a bit confused on what exactly it was we were doing. After saving the text, we changed the ".txt" back to a ".jpg" and opened the picture.
When I did that nothing happened to my picture, but all of my classmates picture's changed drastically. Of course I assumed that I did something wrong, but I kept doing this until I had some sort of change in my image. We even started adding text and deleting chunks of text to try and alter our images. As a result my pictures finally changed and some even broke and wouldn't open! One image ended up having a bunch of different colors in it and another was extremely grainy! We also chose a second picture and did the exact same thing with it, but instead of just strictly changing our ew image, we copied its text "code" and pasted it into our original picture's text code.
I decided to choose a Westie puppy to mix with my photo, as a result I was pretty shocked that most of my image turned green! I decided to do it one more time and got another green variation but this time there were different shades of green and you could see my face!
It was fun to experiment with the different pictures and changing the domain from "jpg" or "txt" because I never knew you could do that! I'm still not too sure when I would ever use this again, but it was fun.