So the only time I've ever used Adobe Illustrator was when I made a Snapchat Geo Filter for my Sorority, I only knew what I was doing thanks to a YouTube tutorial!! Thinking back now, it sure would've helped if I had used it before or had some sort of introductory project, that's why I loved this lesson.
First we were told to get 7 sheets of white printer paper and a black sharpie. My teacher was going to play jazz music and we were to listen to the music, and when he said "mark" we drew, and when he said "stop" we stopped marking and grabbed a new sheet of paper. We did this 7 times and lined up the images we had just created. We chose the line drawing that had the most variation (curvature, angles, overlaps) and that we liked the best.
Next, we brought our line drawing to the scanners, scanned them to the computers. and opened it up in Adobe Illustrator!
We were lead through step by step in order to edit our line; click on image tracing, (that outlined/selected our image), then click on tools, options, expand. This caused the outline the turn blue! The blue outline (the Bounding Box) also had blue boxes in the corners called "anchors". In order to unselect the image had to click on the white arrow icon in the left side of AI, then click the grey area. Next we hovered our mouse over the anchors, selected it and deleted them all to "break" the bounding box around or image!
Now that we had broken the box, we could edit our line image!! We zoomed in and there were more anchors! We were able to click and drag these anchors in order to alter our line. We were also shown how to add color; after clicking & opening on the paint pallet tool on the right, we then opened "color" and "color guide". We changed it to RGB (red, green, blue) and then clicked our line to change it's color. After experimenting with color and exploring the different tools for a bit, we saved our image as an "ai" file and printed it our on different kinds of photo paper.
I was quite pleased with my image, it didn't change too much but that's why I liked it. While some classmates altered the line completely, I only added a few things to try and preserve the parts I loved on the line I had originally created.